Event Rating: General
Embark on an incredible ride across, over, and through the magical realms of the most dramatic continent on earth: Africa.
Your guide through this enchanted kingdom is the sorcerer itself water. Water crafts wild Africa, conjuring up life wherever it journeys travelling above the plains on seasonal winds, cascading along raging rivers or sheltering coral cities. You will come face-to-face with amazing creatures along the way.
On your journey through the magical realms of Africa, you will discover the fascinating secrets of this enchanted kingdom. How spectacular thermal geysers help turn thousands of flamingos pink, and create the perfect conditions for them to breed; why the heat beating down on waterless dunes in the Namib Desert forces a lizard to dance; and why it snows on the equator.
It s an adventure where you will truly believe the real world is more extraordinary and awe-inspiring than any fiction.
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