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Select Membership

Family Membership

Family Membership: Eligible for 2 adults and up to 4 children/youth in the same household.

A TELUS World of Science - Edmonton Membership provides a year of interactive science discovery with many great perks and benefits!

Members receive free Science Centre Admission, up to 50% off IMAX films, special pricing to feature exhibitions, great discounts on camps and courses and much more!

Grandparent Membership

Grandparent Membership: Eligible for 2 Grandparents and up to 4 grandchildren under 18 years.

A TELUS World of Science - Edmonton Membership provides a year of interactive science discovery with many great perks and benefits!

Members receive free Science Centre Admission, up to 50% off IMAX films, special pricing to feature exhibitions, great discounts on camps and courses and much more!

Adult Membership

Adult is defined as 18 to 64 years of age.

A TELUS World of Science - Edmonton Membership provides a year of interactive science discovery with many great perks and benefits!

Members receive free Science Centre Admission, up to 50% off IMAX films, special pricing to feature exhibitions, great discounts on camps and courses and much more!

Dual Adult Membership

Dual Adult Membership is for two adults 18+ years old.

A TELUS World of Science - Edmonton Membership provides a year of interactive science discovery with many great perks and benefits!

Members receive free Science Centre Admission, up to 50% off IMAX films, special pricing to feature exhibitions, great discounts on camps and courses and much more!

Child Membership

Child is defined as 3-12 years of age.

A TELUS World of Science - Edmonton Membership provides a year of interactive science discovery with many great perks and benefits!

Members receive free Science Centre Admission, up to 50% off IMAX films, special pricing to feature exhibitions, great discounts on camps and courses and much more!

Senior Membership

Senior is defined as 65+ years young.

A TELUS World of Science - Edmonton Membership provides a year of interactive science discovery with many great perks and benefits!

Members receive free Science Centre Admission, up to 50% off IMAX films, special pricing to feature exhibitions, great discounts on camps and courses and much more!

Youth Membership

Youth is definied as 13-17 years of age.

A TELUS World of Science - Edmonton Membership provides a year of interactive science discovery with many great perks and benefits!

Members receive free Science Centre Admission, up to 50% off IMAX films, special pricing to feature exhibitions, great discounts on camps and courses and much more!

Student Membership

A Student is defined as anyone 18+ with a valid secondary/post-secondary Student ID.

A TELUS World of Science -Edmonton Membership provides a year of interactive science discovery with many great perks and benefits!

Members receive free Science Centre Admission, up to 50% off IMAX films, special pricing to feature exhibitions, great discounts on camps and courses and much more!

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